Comforting Families Who Have Experienced Perinatal Loss, Neonatal Loss, or Infant Death
Your Journey Toward Healing: You’re Not Alone
Aaliyah in Action provides support to women, birthing people, and families navigating the heartbreak of baby loss, including perinatal loss, neonatal loss, or infant death. Losing a baby and walking out of the hospital empty-handed can feel debilitating. We are here to offer one of the first steps toward healing through compassionate care and baby loss support resources.
Aaliyah in Action's Self-Care Packages are thoughtfully designed to provide comfort and support for individuals navigating the grief and challenges of baby loss. Each day in this new reality can feel overwhelming, but our healing products, resource books and self-care ideas aim to bring even the smallest moments of relief. We call these packages a "gentle hug" from someone who understands the profound pain of perinatal, neonatal, or infant loss—offering reassurance that you are never alone on your healing journey.
In addition to offering physical self-care through our thoughtfully curated packages, Aaliyah in Action provides comprehensive bereavement resources for families coping with baby loss. We understand that searching for support during this difficult time can feel overwhelming and emotionally exhausting. To ease this burden, our Aaliyah in Action Bereavement Guide offers a well-organized directory of resources available by state.

Meet Our Founder
We’re here to support families through loss, and our self-care packages strive to provide a bit of comfort while going through the motions of grief and loss.
"I consider it a gentle hug from someone who knows the pain." - Liz, Aaliyah's Mom